Auto Service World
News   November 24, 2020   by Allan Janssen

By the Numbers: Battery facts

Statistics that put the North American automotive aftermarket into perspective.


Percentage of owners of vehicles newer than two years who get all the recommended maintenance. When the vehicle is between 2 and 5 years old, that falls to 64%. When the car is older than 5 years, only about 43% of owners do all recommended maintenance.

2018 Cox Automotive Service Industry Study



Percentage of winter tire owners who believe driving a vehicle equipped with winter tires has saved them from loss of control or a collision.

Leger survey commissioned by the Tire and Rubber Association of Canada (TRAC)



Fewer than a third of Canadians say they have a clear understanding of the type or amount of data their vehicles produce.

AIA: Data Dilemma: Canadian Consumer Attitudes Toward In-Car Data, 2020



Nearly half of Canadian consumers say they would like to better understand the data their vehicles produce and how it is used.

AIA: Data Dilemma: Canadian Consumer Attitudes Toward In-Car Data, 2020



Year-on-year rise in average leads per used car listing on – a statistic that the company says indicates that car shoppers are enthusiastically resuming their car shopping after a slow start to 2020.

Kijiji Auto



According to a presentation to members of the U.S. Congress, the number of electronic control modules on a vehicle that in 2001 had just nine.

Auto Care Association


60 million

The number of vehicles in the U.S. that are equipped with ADAS technologies. Within the next 5-10 years, 80% of all vehicles in operation in the U.S. (about 230 million) are expected to have some level of ADAS technology on board.

Customize with Confidence: ADAS White Paper, SEMA



Shops that test the batteries of every vehicle that comes into their bay sell double the number of batteries compared to shops that only replace batteries when customers complain of power problems.

East Penn Manufacturing



Percentage of consumers that will replace a battery when they’re prompted to.

Interstate Battery


14 million

The number of vehicles on U.S. roads that are at least 25 years old. There are about 44 million vehicles that are 16 to 24 years old.

OE Parts Demand Report, 2019, Motor Information Systems


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